
unit and acceptance testing, automation, productivity

Writing an Expecta custom matcher

In the last post we looked at Expecta, a matcher library that speakes English, and we noticed how easy it is to use it to write test expectations that explain themselves.

We can bring clarity one step forward. Expecta, in fact, allows users to write custom matchers, we can extend Expecta with our very own expect().to.beSomethingSomething(). The reasons you might want to do that could be:

  • DRYness of your test, if there's some complex expectation that you find yourself using multiple time in a test you can encapsulate it in a custom matcher
  • Readability, .beAnApple reads better than .beKindOf([Apple class])
  • Power, you might need assertions that are more powerful or refined than the default ones, for example expect(arrayInstance).to.haveSameSecondObjectAs(anotherArrayInstance).

How to write a custom matcher

Writing a custom matcher is a simple task, since the library is open source we can have a look at how the default matchers are implemented, and the README provides guidance too.

Now let's imagine that for some reason a big part of the system we're developing has to do with generating fruit at runtime and that in our tests suites we find ourselves writing expect(something).to.beKindOf([Fruit class]) many times. To make the tests both more readable and DRY we'd like to add a matcher that look like .beAFruit().

The first step is creating an EXPMatchers category named after the new matcher: EXPMatchers+beAFruit.

We are now going to look at the code step by step, you can always check the example repo to see the entire header and implementation.

In the .h we'll define the signature of our matcher using the EXPMatcherInterface macro, which expects the matcher name and a list of arguments.

#import "Expecta.h"

EXPMatcherInterface(beAFruit, (void))

Notice the (void) as the second argument to state that our matcher is not using any parameters.

Than we are going to write the matcher's implementation, by providing code to run for the blocks making up the matcher.

#import "EXPMatchers+beAFruit.h"
#import "Fruit.h"

EXPMatcherImplementationBegin(beAFruit, (void)) {

The matcher has access to the object in the expect( ) through actual. Since we're going to need to check for it's nil state more than once in the implementation we should put that value in a variable.

  BOOL actualIsNil = actual == nil;

The first block to implement is prerequisite, this can be used to perform pre-checks and make the test fail. In the library's beCloseTo if actual is not an NSNumber there is no point in comparing it, so the test can fail already. In our case if actual is nil the is certainly not a Fruit, so we can fail straightaway.

  prerequisite(^BOOL {
    return !actualIsNil;

Then there is match, which is where we can perform all the logic to determine whether our expectation is met.

  match(^BOOL {
    return [actual isKindOfClass:[Fruit class]];

Finally there are two blocks that print the error message for the normal and negated (.toNot) failure scenarios.

  failureMessageForTo(^NSString * {
    if (actualIsNil) {
      return @"the actual value in nil/null";

    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"expected: kind of %@, got: an instance of %@", [Fruit class], [actual class]];

  failureMessageForNotTo(^NSString * {
    if (actualIsNil) {
      return @"the actual value in nil/null";

    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"expected: not kind of %@, got: an instance of %@", [Fruit class], [actual class]];

The last thing left to do is do declare that the implementation is finished.


You can see beAFruit implementation all in one file, as well as it's usage in a test case, in the example repo.

In case you want to write a matcher that uses an argument, like expect(@42).to.beLessThan(@100), you can specify it in the matcher interface and implementation definition blocks like this:

EXPMatcherInterface(beLessThan, (id expected));

Note that expected is the naming convention used by all the matcher in the library, so you should use it too.

Custom matchers in the wild

So nice people in the open source community have already written some custom matchers for Expecta. The most interesting ones are:

  • Expecta+Comparison that provides comparison matchers for NSArray, NSDictionary and NSSet, and has a more informative failure message than the default comparison matcher.
  • Expecta+OCMock which maps some of the expectations on mock and stubs made using OCMock, making for better readability and consistency in the test.
  • Expecta+Dates that adds a beSameDay matcher for NSDates.
  • Expecta+ReactiveCocoa, set of matchers for using Expecta to test ReactiveCocoa's signals.

In these last two posts we've seen how nice and powerful Expecta is. In an inspirational moment I would go as far as to say that we as developer should try to structure our code as Expecta, simple to use, very well readable, and extendable.

If after reading this you'll write an amazing custom matcher pleas let me know by tweeting @mokagio, and don't forget to make it open source and publish it on CocoaPods.

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