
unit and acceptance testing, automation, productivity

Automating iOS Enterprise Deployment with shenzhen

In this short post I'm gonna have a look at how to use the splendid shenzhen gem by Mattt to automate the process of building an .ipa for enterprise distribution and shipping it.

Here's the code for the build phase:

ipa build \
  --workspace MyAwesomeApp.xcworkspace \
  --configuration MyAwesomeAppEnterpriseConfiguration \
  --scheme MyAwesomeAppEnterpriseScheme \
  --embed MyAweseomAppEnterpriseDistribution.mobileprovision \
  --clean \

or the shorter version:

ipa build \
  -w MyAwesomeApp.xcworkspace \
  -c MyAwesomeAppEnterpriseConfiguration \
  -s MyAwesomeAppEnterpriseScheme \
  -m MyAweseomAppEnterpriseDistribution.mobileprovision \
  --clean \

How does it work?

What shenzhen does is calling xcodebuild for us using the proper arguments and avoiding the unreadable output. Speaking of which, take a look at what xcpretty does to help us.

As you can see from the code above there are quite a few options to specify. In particular in my experience I saw that to build properly we need both --scheme and --configuration. If you are reading this article you're probably already managing your enterprise build with a different pair of Build Configuration and Scheme, in order to change the Bundle Id and the other configurations, so those parameters will surely make sense to you. But why both?

As far as I can see after 10 minutes of hacking this is due to the fact that shenzen looks for the configuration parameter if this is not specified, source here), and passes it to xcodebuild. What happens in my case is that shenzhen guesses the wrong configuration, and this is why I have to specify it in the parameters. No big deals anyway ;)

Another thing we notice in the parameters is the --embed XXX.mobileprovision one. This is used to sign the build with the certificate specified for the enterprise distribution. You can download the Provisioning Profile you need from the Member Center in the Apple Developer Portal. Keep it in a safe place! Everything will work fine as long as you have the private key for that.

A tip I have regarding the Provisioning Profile is to be sure that the keychain where its keys are is unlocked, unless you want to the OS to pop you a dialog asking for the keychain credentials at some point. The keychain can be unlocked from the Keychain Access app.

Time to distribute!

shenzhen's distribute command lets us distribute our freshly built .ipa through 4 different channels, HockeyApp, TestFlight, upload to S3, or simple FTP.

Take a look at the README for the details of the single channels, or just type ipa distribute:XXX --help to find out about the parameter.

It's super simple!

Where to go from here?

  • Is it possible to unlock the keychain from the script, maybe just for its execution, in order to have more protections?
  • Dig better into the scheme and configuration issue, and maybe submit a PR.

I hope after reading this you'll be able save time by automating your enterprise deployment process, and use it to read my other blogpost :P

Happy deploying!

Thanks to @jerryhjones for finding a typo ;)

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